Goracle Incentive Testnet

Jan 17, 2023

Goracle Incentive Testnet

Blockchains are walled off from the outside world. To build decentralized applications that make use of real-world data, these apps need an Oracle that matches the security properties of a blockchain.

That’s where Goracle comes in — using Proof Of Stake to match the security and speed, of its underlying blockchain. Decentralized applications are no longer limited in what they can build! Watch the video below to learn more about how Goracle will power the future of blockchain development.

To participate at the Goracle Incentivised Testnet follow these steps:

Step 1- Create an Algorand Wallet: https://wallet.myalgo.com/add-account

Step 2- Claim Faucet: https://testnet.algoexplorer.io/dispenser

Step 3- Register your wallet https://testnet-app.goracle.io/incentivized-testnet

Step 4- Fill Incentive Survey Form: https://25391456.hs-sites-eu1.com/node-runner-survey

Step 5- Run Goracle Node: https://www.goracle.io/support/running-nodes

Also join the Goracle Discord: https://discord.gg/x6mmVq4gs7

